Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is a woody perennial shrub with branches that can reach a height of 5 meters. It is widely farmed and consumed worldwide.
Cassava is a tuberous crop with a high starch content that serves as a major and vital food source, as well as income generating crop in the majority of the developing nations (Klein, 2017; Acheampong et al., 2021).
In Ghana, cassava is a key root crop serving as the foundation for a variety of basic meals and a significant contributor to the agricultural GDP of the nation. The nation has recorded an increase in cassava production since 2009. Ghana recorded a production figure of 25.6 million metric tonnes of cassava in 2022, a rise above the 25 million metric tonnes produced the year before according to Sasu (2024). Regardless of the increase in cassava production in Ghana over the years, the crop has still remained small-scale in production terms due to the challenges associated with production. The overall underlying factor identified by stakeholders is low productivity as stated by Bampoe (2015).
As an Agricultural Extension Officer managing 300 acres of cassava farms, it is my major responsibility to ensure productivity is maximised. Therefore the focus of this paper is to highlight major components that will ensure optimum productivity whiles mitigating production challenges as follows:
- Identify best agronomic practices to ensure bumper harvest.
- Identify the possible diseases that can affect the cassava plantations and suggest ways to avoid those diseases from affecting the farm.
- Also, suggesting possible solutions to apply in curing an affected cassava plants incase the farm is already affected.
- Best Agronomic Practices to Ensure Bumper Harvest
To begin with, the best agronomic practices in achieving a bumper harvest in cassava cultivation can be broadly grouped under variety selection, site selection and preparation, planting technique, fertilisation, weed control, pest and disease management, as well as water and irrigation management.
- Variety Selection: Selecting improved, high-yielding cassava varieties with pests and diseases resistant ability and good culinary qualities, for planting is important to maximise bumper harvest as stated by Hillocks, (2002). Varieties like “Ampong”, “Bankye Hemaa”, and “Afisiafi” are recommended due to their ability to adapt to local growing conditions and their disease (Cassava Mosaic Disease) resistant capabilities (Acheampong et al., 2021).
- Site Selection and Preparation: To ensure bumper harvest, carefully choose the site for the farm with a well-drained soils, a pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.5, as well as high organic matter content (Adjei et al., 2023. Also, properly preparing the soil through tillage and fertilization (Lageraholm et al., 2015) including plowing, harrowing, and ridging, is crucial to creating a suitable seedbed. This helps improve soil aeration and water infiltration, which are essential for root development (Agrotti, 2023).
- Planting Technique: This is another crucial aspect in cassava production. Preferably, healthy disease-free stem cuttings approximately 20–30 cm long and planted at a depth of 10–15 cm. The recommended spacing is 1 meter between rows and 0.75 meters within rows (Akinyosoye et al., 2017). This will permit adequate light penetration and reduce nutrients Competition. Plant at the right time to ensure optimum soil moisture, thus during rainy season or at the onset of rains (Okechukwu et al., 2016).
- Weed Control: Again, productivity of cassava can be negatively affected by the presence of weeds due to Competition. Weeds compete with cassava for nutrients, water, and light, potentially reducing yields. Effective weed management includes manual weeding, which should be done at least twice during the growing season, and the use of pre-emergence and post-emergence herbicides where appropriate. Cover cropping with legumes can also help suppress weeds while enriching the soil with nitrogen (Ogunwale et al., 2017).
- Fertilization: Cassava requires a balanced supply of nutrients, particularly nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) as stated by Imas and John (2013). Soil testing is a necessity to determine nutrient deficiencies, and applications of both organic (e.g., compost, manure) and inorganic fertilizers should be done accordingly to attain good bumper For instance, a typical recommendation might be 100 kg/ha of N, 50 kg/ha of P, and 100 kg/ha of K. Integrated soil fertility management increased cassava yield by 25% according to Kwabena (2017). Implementation of conservational agriculture practices can also be adopted Nyalemegbe, 2018).
- Water and Irrigation Management: Water is very essential in cassava growth and yield, therefore adequate moisture content must be maintained to ensure optimum productivity. Adequate water must be provided through irrigation during dry periods to ensure optimal growth and yield (Okechukwu et al., 2016). Use of precision irrigation systems (such as drip irrigation) to optimize water use (Agyare, 2019) as well as Implementation of rainwater harvesting systems (Ansah, 2020). Precision irrigation systems increased cassava yield by 30% according to the findings of Agyare (2019).
- Pest and Disease Management: Pest and disease is one of the major problems facing cassava production in Ghana. It is therefore required to regularly scout for pests and diseases, and schedule timely interventions to prevent yield losses. Lageraholm (2015), found that good field hygiene and sanitation practices reduced disease incidence by 40%. Therefore good field hygiene and sanitation practices is required to mitigate the incidence of pests and diseases on a cassava plantation. The use of crop rotation and intercropping can also help reduce pests and diseases attacks whiles improving soil fertility (Ajala et a, 2017). Also, integrated pest management (IPM) strategies can be implemented to ensure bumper harvest (Okechukwu et al., 2018).
Diseases associated with cassava plantations is a major challenge confronting cassava productivity in Ghana. Cassava is susceptible to several diseases, which can significantly drastically reduce yields if not managed properly. The most prevalent diseases include:
- Cassava viral diseases (CVD): This is a cassava associated diseases caused by virus. Legg and Alvarez (2017) stated that there are several viruses that have been detected from cassava plants in Africa but there are two (2) notable CVD’s prevalent in Africa. This include Cassava mosaic disease (CMD) (Hillocks et al. 2002) and Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) (Lageraholm et al., 2015; Robson et al., 2023).
- Cassava bacterial diseases (CBD): With this type of diseases, the causal pathogen is a bacteria. Cassava bacterial blight (Kante et al., 2020) and Cassava bacterial leaf spot are examples of CBD’s (Legg and Alvarez, 2017).
- Cassava fungal diseases (CFD): Fungi are the main causal pathogens. Examples of CFD’s are Cassava anthracnose (CAD), Cassava super-elongation disease (SED), Cassava root rot and Cassava Leaf Spot (thus Cassava brown leaf spot (CBLS), white leaf spot and diffuse leaf spot) (Okechukwu et al., 2016; Akinyosoye et al., 2017; Legg and Alvarez, 2017).
Note: There other important cassava diseases associated with phytoplasma infection. e.g. Cassava frogskin disease (CFSD) and Cassava witches’ broom (CWB). But these diseases has not yet been reported in Africa (Legg and Alvarez, 2017).
- CVD’S: Adoption of diseases resistant host plant and the Use of certified disease-free planting materials is an effective measure avoid CVD’S. Also, phytosanitary measures, such as the selection of healthy stems for planting material must be encouraged (Legg & Alvarez, 2017). Rotating cassava with non-host crops to disrupt the incidence of disease on the field is important. Furthermore, regularly monitor for signs of the disease on the cassava farm (Ogunwale et al., 2017).
- CBD’S: The main control approach of CBD’s is the adoption of strain-specific and multigenic resistance as planting materials (Jorge et al., 2000). Phytosanitary measures including healthy stems selection for replanting, as well as multiplication and propagation schemes must adhere to standard certification protocols. Also, crop hygiene and good agronomic practice such as removal and burning of crop residues post-harvesting, and crop rotation to avoid cassava recycling on the same plot can help to limit the infection and impact of CBB (Lageraholm et al., 2015; Legg & Alvarez, 2017). In addition, monitor regularly for signs of the disease on the farm (Ogunwale et al., 2017).
- CFD’S: Preventive measures for CFD’s includes planting disease-resistant and healthy cuttings, practicing good field hygiene and sanitation, and proper agronomic practices such as excess humidity reduction at planting time (waterlogging or flooding fields must be avoided), proper plant spacing to reduce moisture build-up, and regular control of weeds and pests to prevent the incidence of the Fungi (Lageraholm et al., 2015; Okechukwu et al., 2016; Akinyosoye et al., 2017; Legg & Alverez, 2017). Strict quarantine and surveillance measures must be adhered to prevent CFD occurrence when introducing foreign planting materials to the Field. Monitor regularly for signs of disease (Ogunwale et al., 2017) and also crop rotation is encouraged as a preventive measure (Legg & Alverez, 2017).
- Biological Control (Rogueing)
This involves the removal and destruction of infected plants to prevent the spread of diseases like CMD and CBSD. Infected plants should be uprooted and burned far from the plantation. Biologically, Introduction of predatory organisms such as Trichoderma spp., Bacillus spp. and Pseudomonas spp. (Lewis and Lumsden, 2001; Yu et al., 2002; Adesina et al., 2009) on the field to feed on causal pathogens of the diseased plants has proved successful (Legg & Alverez, 2017). Also, application of antifungal compounds (compounds produced by Paenibacillus sp. IIRAC-30, Bacillus pumilus) as well as lytic enzymes can inhibit the detrimental activities of pathogenic fungi of infested plants (Raaijmakers et al., 2002; Jung et al., 2003; Melo et al., 2009; Canova et al., 2010). - Chemical Control
In cases where disease pressure is high, the judicious use of fungicides, bactericides, or insecticides may be necessary. It is crucial to follow the recommended application rates and adhere to safety guidelines to avoid harmful residues and resistance build-up (Lageraholm, 2015; Legg & Alverez, 2017). Also, biopesticides as an alternative that can be used to combat the development of the pathogens on the infested plants (Ogunwale, 2017). - Resistant Varieties
Where possible, replace affected plants with disease-resistant varieties. This is particularly effective for managing viral diseases like CMD and CBSD (Hillocks, 2002; Legg & Alverez, 2017). - Soil Health Management
Improving soil health through organic amendments, balanced fertilization, and the use of cover crops can enhance plant resilience against diseases. Healthy soil promotes robust root systems, which are less susceptible to infection. Improve soil drainage and aeration, as well as irrigation practices can be adjusted (drip irrigation is preferable to overhead sprinkler) (Akinyosoye et al., 2017; Legg & Alvarez, 2017)
The successful and productive management of a large-scale cassava farm in Ghana hinges on the adoption of best agronomic practices, diligent disease prevention, and effective management strategies. Adoption of the guidelines outlined in this research paper by farmers, can improve cassava productivity, achieve bumper harvests, and effectively mitigate the risks posed by diseases. Continuous research, extension services, and farmer education are essential for sustaining cassava production and improving the livelihoods of those who depend on this vital crop.
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(Agricultural Extension Officer – Daud Mustaf Farms Ltd)
One comment on “Cassava Production”
Mustapha Dauda
Good work on cassava